Curriculum Vitae.
Zayko Yuriy Nickolayevich was born in Saratov, Russia, 6 of July 1946. After graduating secondary school he entered to the Faculty of Physics in Saratov State University, Dept. of Theoretical Physics in 1964. After graduating the University with merit in 1969 he worked as young specialist in the Central Science Research Institute of Measuring Equipment (CIME), Saratov. After passing the Landay Minimum examination in 1971 he entered the Moscow Physics-Technical Institute (Moscow region, Dolgoprudny) as a postgaduate student, Dept. of Low Temperature Physics (chief - Kapitsa P.L.). After postgraduating he worked as a senior engineer in Science Research Inst. "Volna" (1976 - 1986) and as senior researcher in CIME (1986 - 1995) in Theoretical Depts. He works now at the P.A. Stolypin's Volga Region Academy of State Service, Dept. of Applied Informatics as an associate professor. Yuriy N. Zayko received his Ph.D degree in 1985 in Moscow Energy Institute for the work on semiconducors in the external fields.
The areas of interest are: nonlinear wave theory, dynamical chaos, signal propagation and processing, information theory, statistical mechanics, theory of calculation, gravitation and electromagnetism. He published more than 80 papers, articles in peer refereed journals such as; Applied Math. Letters, Journal of Technical Physics (Rus), Technical Physics Letters (Rus), Solid State Physics (Rus) etc., and in the proceedings of many conferences on subjects.
His recent results are presented on web-page of Saratov Fall Meeting Conferences: and are publishing in the Proceedings of the Saratov University ser. Physics:
Yuriy N. Zayko was elected as a fellow member of the New York Academy of Sciences in 1995. He is a member of the Planetary Society from 1996, of the IEEE from 2004. He is a winner of the International Science Foundation grants in 1993, 1998 when he was elected as Soros associate professor, and in 2000, 2001.
See also:
1. Who is Who Handbook of Nonlinear Dynamics: