List of publications:


Solid State Phenomena.


1.Zayko Yu.N. Forbidden Gap's Levels in Crystal, localized in the Region of External Field's Nonhomogeneity. Solid State Physics, 1976, V. 18, No 4, pp. 951-956.
2.Zayko Yu.N. Tunnelling with Coulomb Interaction.ibid, 1976, V. 18, No 4, pp. 956-960.
3.Zayko Yu.N. Resonant Negative Differential Conductivity in the Fredkin-Wannier Model.ibid, 1979, V. 21, No 11, pp. 3481-3482.
4.Zayko Yu.N. A Semiconductor with Complex Structure of the Valence Band in the Electrical and Magnetic Fields. Physics and Technics of Semiconductors, 1985, V. 1985, No 1, pp. 150-152.
5.Zayko Yu.N. Resonant Negative Differential Conductivity in Semiconductor. Proceedings of the IX Conference on High-Frequency Electronics, Kiev, 1979, pp. 55-56.

Wave Propagation in Dispersive Media.


1.Zayko Yu.N. On Decreasing of a Pulse Propagating in Waveguide. Technical Physics, 1983, V. 53, No 11, pp.2178-2182.
2.Zayko Yu.N., Lazerson A.G. Surface Magnetostatic Pulse Propagation. Radiotechnics and Electronics, 1988, V.33, No 2, pp. 409-412.
3.Zayko Yu.N., Suchkov S.G. Slow Waves and Waves of Modulation propagating in Layered Structures with Ferroelectric, 1989, ibid, V. 34, No 11, pp. 2423-2425.
4.Zayko Yu.N., Korol'ova I.G. Numeric Simulation of Pulse Propagation in Nonhomogeneous Microstrips, 1991, Electronical Technics, Ser. 1: High Frequency Electronics, 1991, V. 3, pp. 63-64.
5.Zayko Yu.N. An Evaluation of a Frequency' Measure Errors of a RF-pulse Propagating in a Dispersive Waveguide Structure, 1990, ibid, Ser. 8, V. 1, pp. 66-67.
6.Zayko Yu.N. Frequency Modulation of a RF-Pulse propagating in Dispersive Medium. Proceedings of High School: RadioPhysics, 1989, V. 32, No 12, pp. 1558-1560.
7.Zayko Yu.N., Mezhuev D.I. Propagation of a Square RF-pulse with Chirping in Dispersive Medium. Technical Physics Letters, 1991, V. 17, No 17. pp. 50-53.
8.Zayko Yu.N. A Numerical Simulation of a Compression of a Chirped RF-pulse propagating in a Dispersive Medium. Proceedings of the Sci. Conf. "Contemporary Problems of the High Frequency Electronics and Radiophysics", 1997, Saratov, Russia, 4-8 Sept., p.70.
9.Zayko Yu.N. An Oscillation of the Time Duration of a RF-pulse propagating in Nonhomogeneous Transmission Line. Technical Physics Letters, 1994, V. 18, No 23, pp. 76-78.
10.Zayko Yu.N. The Geometrical Phase of Modulated Waves, Propagating in Dispersive Media. Applied Mathematics Letters, 1997, V. 10, No 5, pp. 75-78.
11.Zayko Yu.N. An "Oscillations" of the Rieman Invariants of the Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations. 2000, Presented to the Technical Physics Letters.

Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Media and Devices.


1.Zayko Yu.N. Stationary Waves in Electronic Beam Interacting with Waveguide Structure. Technical Physics, 1982, V.52,No 12, pp.2429-2931.
2.Zayko Yu.N. Nonlinear Waves in Electronic Beam Interacting with Waveguide Structure. Technical Physics, 1987, V.57, No3, pp. 577-579.
3.Zayko Yu.N. An AB-type Equations for the Waves in Electronic Beam, Interacting with Waveguide Structure. Technical Physics Letters, 1991, V.17, No 11, pp. 60-64.
4.Zayko Yu.N. Polarisation Waves in Ferroelectrics. Technical Physics, 1989, V.59, No 9, pp.172-173.
5.Zayko Yu.N. The Speed of Energy Transfer in Square-Nonlinear Medium. Technical Physics Letters, 1988, V. 14, No 8, pp. 720-722.
6.Zayko Yu.N. The Stability of Space Charge Nonlinear Waves. Technical Physics, 1989, V. 59, No 12, pp.137-138.
7.Zayko Yu.N.Nonlinear Space Charge Waves in Resistive Medium. Technical Physics, 1989, V. 59, No 11, pp.108-110.
8.Zayko Yu.N. An Average Description of Nonequilibrium Charge Density Waves in Semiconductors. Physics and Technics of Semiconductors, 1990, V. 24, No 8, pp.1478-1480.
9.Zayko Yu.N. Nonlinear Waves in Relativistic Flow of Charged Particles. Proceedings of High School: Radiophysics, 1992, V. 35, No 3-4, pp.368-371.
10.Zayko Yu.N. Modulation Instability of Ion-Sound Wave. Technical Physics Letters, 1991, V. 17, No 1, pp.27-29.
11.Zayko Yu.N. Modulation Waves in Charged Carriers Flow Interacting with Waveguide Structure. Technical Physics Letters, 1989, V. 15, No 21, pp. 32-33.

Waves in Liquids.


1.Zayko Yu.N. A Transverse Instability of the Shock Wave in Viscous Media. Technical Physics Letters, 1991, V.17, No 14, pp.20-22.
2.Zayko Yu.N. An Explicit Solutions of Nonlinear Acoustics' Equations.Technical Physics Letters, 1994, V. 20, No 10, pp.79-81.
3.Zayko Yu.N. Nondestructive Treating of Liquid Transport in Thin Vessels with Elastic Walls.Theoretical Aspects.Proceedings of International Conference on Actual Problems of Electronic Device' Engineering-APEDE'98.-V. 3, pp. 51-54.-Saratov, 5-8 Sept.,1998.
4.Zayko Yu.N. A Method for Measuring and Detecting of Liquid Flow's (or Gas') Parameters in Vessels with Elastic Walls. Application for Patent of Russian Federation. Priority from 15.06.1999.
5.Zayko Yu.N. An Investigation of Liquid Flow in Thin Vessels with Elastic Walls. Proceedings of the 5-th International School on Chaotic Oscillations and Pattern Formation, Saratov, Oct. 6-9, 1998,p. 62.

General and Applied Problems of Nonlinearity, Chaos, Statistics, etc.


1.Zayko Yu.N. Transition to Dynamical Chaos in Systems Describing by the Korteweg - de Vries Equation. Technical Physics Letters, 1992, V. I8, No 23, pp. 63-65.
2.Zayko Yu.N. A Mode Analysis of the Periodical Solution of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation. ibid, 1999, V. 25, No 4, pp.
3.Zayko Yu.N., Nefedov I.S. New Class of Solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers Equation, soon to be published in the Applied Mathematics Letters, 1999.
4.Zayko Yu.N. Complex Wave Phenomena in Continuous Media, presented to the Soros Educational Journal, 1998.
5.Zayko Yu.N. A Model for the Transition to Chaos in Applied Problems. Proceedings of the 5-th International School on Chaotic Oscillations and Pattern Formation: CHAOS-98, Saratov, Oct. 6-9, 1998, pp. 61-62.
6.Zayko Yu.N., Nefedov I.S. Dynamical Chaos in Nonlinear Dielectric with the First-Kind Phase Transition. International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: ICND-96, Saratov, July 8-14, 1996, p.189.
7.Zayko Yu.N. Maxwell Demons and Their Problems. 1999, Presented to the International and Iterdisciplinary Journal "Entropy and Information Processes".

E-versions are available:



1. Investigation of Complex Phenomena in Continuous Media with the Help of Soliton Theory Methods, 1993. CIME, Saratov State University for International Science Foundation.

Abstract. This project is devoted to the investigation of the complex wave phenomena, like transition to dynamical chaos, pattern formation, etc. with the help of soliton theory methods: multiscale perturbation method, branching theory of nonlinear operators in Banach spaces.

2. Investigation of the Geometrical Character of Signal's Distortions due to Dispersion, 1994. VRASS for Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research.

Abstract. This project is devoted to investigation of modulation distortions in signal propagating in dispersive medium from the point of view of geometrical phase (Berry Phase).

3. A Model for Liquid Transport in Thin Vessels with Elastic Walls, 1997. CIME

Abstract. This project is devoted to the investigation of the wave propagation in liquid flow in vessels with elastic walls, like blood vessels. The interaction of waves in flow and those in walls of vessel is taken into account. This differs the present treatment from previous ones, where this interaction was neglected. The special feature of this model is that it reveals the transition to turbulence due to instability caused by producing the elastic waves unlike the case of a usual viscid mechanism. The treatment was executed both in linear and nonlinear regimes. In linear case, the dispersion equation of the coupled waves was obtained, and the regions of stable and unstable solutions were found. Found were the analytical expressions for the boundaries of the region of stability and the regions of convective and absolute instabilities. There is a region of parameters where the turbulence criterion differs from the usual one Re > Recr , obtained in the viscid theory where Re is the Reynolds' number. Prior to the transition to turbulence one can observe a number of temporal-space patterns described by the so-called AB - type equations. These results may be useful in the studying the blood flow in living organisms, and for practical uses in gas and liquid transport

4. Investigation of the Transition to Turbulent Regime in Atmosphere, 1999. CIME(Russia), NOAA(USA) for Civil Research and Development Foundation.

Abstract. The project proposed is devoted to the study of the turbulent regimes and the transitions to them from the steady state in the model of the atmosphere with nonuniform profile of the horizontal velocity. To solve this problem the modern methods for investigations of the wave processes in continuous systems are used: the theory of solitons, the branching theory of the solutions of nonlinear operator equations in Banach spaces, etc. The results obtained may be used in development of short-time and decadal predictions of the weather. This permits one to save a lot of money usually spent due to unpredictable character of weather in agriculture and other environment-determined issues.

5. Learning and Teaching Programming for Humanitarian Students, 1999, VRASS for Research Support Scheme.

Abstract. This project is devoted to generalization of the experience of programming's study and teaching for humanitarian students who do not concern on programming itself but on the fast creating the end-product in different areas of human activity.



6. High -Temperature Superfluidity: a Solution of the Gray's Paradox for the 2004 Rolex Awards for Enterprise.

Abstract. It has been shown in recent publications of the author that liquids flowing through tubes with sircular crossection demonstrate the so-called "high-temperature superfluidity", a phenomenon which is alike to hightemperature superconductivity and consists in that the liquid in such a tube travels with decreased viscid resistance. The origin of this effect is the decrease in repulsion of small fluctuations of density due to interaction between waves in liquid and elastic waves in walls of tube. This phenomenon was earlier treated as laminar flows with very high Reynolds numbers (~100000) in circular tubes. It has been shown that the density of normal (viscid) part of flow is about 0.02 % of total density at temperature ~300 K, so the actual Reynolds numbers must be two orders lower than it was assumed and the bulk of the flow would be viscidless. This effect could be the key to solution of the Gray's paradox which consists in that water animals like fish or dolphins must have the power seven times greater than they do have in reality in order to maintain their usual speed.

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